What is Database Monitoring?
While you may have in place the best database management system there is, it does mean that you can sit back and relax already. You constantly have to see what’s going on with your database and your database management system in order to determine if your system is working at its peak or if there are areas that need to be addressed to avoid any future errors in your system. Database monitoring likewise allows you to determine whether certain users in your network are not […]
What is an Embedded Database?
When your work relies heavily on the computer or you basically keep all your important information in your desktop or laptop, it is very important that you get to access all your data at any given time without having any trouble doing so. Your database software helps you do all the organizing and storing of all your data in such a way that your task is cut in half, and you generally have a more organized filing system as well as better computing applications to […]
History of Databases
Databases go in hand in hand with the internet, computer software, and computer systems. Since the birth of the World Wide Web, information has become as valuable as gold. All the data that you see in the internet needs to have a logical structure so it could be published and read online. When we think of databases, many of us with no technical know-how will think that they were a recent invention. Databases have existed for thousands of years. Before computers were widely used, data […]
What is a Database Query?
People create a database because they want to organize the data in such a way that they can glean useful information from it. These data can be accessed by using a query. A query, if properly stated, will extract data from the database. For example, a businessman creates a database which contains the list of his products, their prices, and the number of people who bought them. If he wants to find out which products are most expensive, he can input a query into the […]
What is a Database?
Have you ever wondered how your files, documents and other important data are always available when you input a certain command on your computer to access them? Who organizes them in such a way that whatever you need at any given time is readily available with literally just one click? The advancement of the computer technology has brought many different benefits to users, whether individual or a network of multiple users. Data storage is one of those benefits. What used to be a working filing […]
Installing your first WordPress script
Now that we’ve created the database and added an user to it, we can actually get going and install the script (wordpress). Understanding the basics Right, first of all we will explain the basic format of a database and username, as this is confusing to a lot of newbies, it took me a while to get used to it. useraccount_databasename Your hosting account username ALWAYS comes before the databasename followed by the underscore “_” to avoid confusion you could always call the name the database […]
Create your first Mysql database
Installing a script (like wordpress for example) can seem a daunting task to newbies, with all those different fields you have to fill in and to which you don’t have a clue about. Don’t fret, we will guide you through the process of creating a new database and installing that script. Step 1 This much you should have already figured out by now, log into cpanel and select MySQL Databases there are other types of databases but we dont need those for now. Step 2 […]
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