Browsing articles by " Anthony Clark"

What Are Disaster Recovery Services


Disaster recovery services are those usually provided by third party contractors in the event of  disaster affecting IT operations in-house. Most providers offer dedicated data centers and networking capabilities to ensure survival of data and continuity of business in the days and weeks after allowing time for full recovery or relocation of the organization’s IT infrastructure. Being prepared for unforeseen disasters requires extensive pre-disaster planning and consultation with major stakeholders as well as service providers to ensure business operations are protected, namely that data and [...]


What are High Availability Servers?

High Availability

High availability servers a modern implementation of server hardware that are designed to extremely high fault tolerance levels to keep performing even in the event of a failed component, and are the latest buzzword in server technology with major CPU designers hailing the technology as the next evolutionary step. Traditionally, server hardware and software have been designed to optimize the functions of a single CPU controlling memory, storage, and input/output, leading to never satisfactory multitasking that has to a great extent been dependent on operating [...]


What are High Availability Clusters

High Availability Clusters

High availability clusters (HA clusters), also known as failover clusters, are a network of servers configured to operate as a single machine with data backups occurring in real time so that in the event of a failure in the network backup machines will take over seamlessly and continue to operate. High availability clusters are designed to operate automatically and not need the intervention of an IT support person to restart the network. A single server that fails results in downtime of the network, in some [...]


Remote DBA or Database Administration Services

Remote Database

With database management playing an important role in the success of any business venture, it is just as important to pay attention to who’s in charge of your company’s database system. Suffice it to say that when your database management system is not working to benefit your business, there will be hell to pay in a manner of speaking.  Deliveries may not be made on time, clients could get irate, and basically, you could lose a good amount of business for one simple reason – [...]


What is a BLOB or Binary Large Object?


Binary Large Object, also known as a BLOB, is a compilation of binary data stored as a single unit in a database management system.  Binary Large Object (BLOB) usually refers to images, audio and other multimedia data, but sometimes, these data are in the BLOB format.  Keep in mind that the BLOB format data are not universal. The History of the Binary Large Object or BLOB Binary large object or BLOB is originally just vague chunks of data developed by Jim Starkey, who described the [...]


High Availability Architecture

Disaster Recovery Architecture

High availability networks are complex and costly systems to rollout with long planning timeframes  and high expectations from users that the system will perform. To choose the correct hardware and software and the optimum network design IT administrators and their staff invest a considerable amount of time in analysis of corporate needs. Network architecture that is rated high availability needs to perform to very strict standards of uptime. Redundancy rather than being a stated goal becomes a necessary component of high availability networks, inherent in [...]


High Availability Solutions

High Availibility

High availability is no longer a luxury beyond the affordability of most corporations, in the 21st century it is now considered a requirement for almost all businesses regardless of industry and solutions are actively sought. Quite simply, a computer or server that fails might very well prevent the business from operating, and in today’s online world that may equate to significant lost revenue. Within select industries such as government, financial services, legal, or health and hospitals, downtime is simply not acceptable. High availability of service [...]


How to Get Disaster Recovery Certification

Disaster Recovery Certificate

Disaster recovery certification for IT professionals is becoming a necessary pre-requisite for anyone involved in business continuity planning, which has taken on added importance since the unfortunate events of September 11th in New York. In the past, IT professionals would plan for major systems faults, but now planning for entire data center destruction is necessary. Business continuity is taken seriously by management in most major corporations, and IT staff with disaster recovery certification are in demand, so much so, that salary and benefits are presently [...]


Disaster Recovery Solutions


When disaster strikes your IT infrastructure or network, having quick access to disaster recovery solutions is paramount if the system to is to be restored to full service. Whether they are in-house or outsourced, the solutions called for in the disaster recovery plan need to be available in a timely and reliable fashion. Disasters are by their nature unpredictable, difficult to anticipate, and usually very inconvenient to users of the system. Little can be done to prevent many disasters, especially natural, but even man made [...]


Disaster Recovery Software Options


Catastrophic data loss is any IT administrator’s worst nightmare and disasters can strike at any time. Evaluating the available disaster recovery software options as part of the organizational disaster planning is often overlooked in favor of adopting known packages that may not in fact be the best choice. Disaster recovery software covers a range of niches, from backup and recovery, to mirroring, network monitoring, data salvaging from corrupt disks and more, so there certainly are enough options available for protecting the corporation’s critical data. Software [...]

