Browsing articles by " Jorge Reis"

What is Database Encryption?

Data Security - Lockers

Nowadays, information is one of the most valuable commodities. The internet has enabled people to share information across the globe. Unfortunately, there are people who have found ways to take advantage of this as cyber crimes are now as common as the ones done in the streets. Like the criminals in the real world, thieves in the internet also adapt to the changes in their playing field, and these criminals gain or use their knowledge to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Due to this, IT [...]


Database Architecture

Tech Working Room

Every structure needs to be built for soundness and efficiency, which is why we hire professional architects to design the building. Without an architect, the structures would be disorganized, unstable, and inefficient. This principle holds true with our databases, which are structures in their own right, structures of data. Database architecture describes exactly how data flows in a system – its storage, its groups, its qualities, and all its other aspects, and it keeps the data in such a way that retrieval will always be [...]


What are Database Models?

Database Model

Database models, also known as database schemas, shows the structure of the database or its format which is handled by the database management systems or DBMS. These schemas are stored in a dictionary of data and usually refer to the representation of data in a graphical format. Database Models A database model is also referred to as a theory of how a database is supposed to look like. There are numerous types of database models today and these are hierarchical model, network model, relational model, [...]


What is an Embedded Database?

Embedded Database

When your work relies heavily on the computer or you basically keep all your important information in your desktop or laptop, it is very important that you get to access all your data at any given time without having any trouble doing so. Your database software helps you do all the organizing and storing of all your data in such a way that your task is cut in half, and you generally have a more organized filing system as well as better computing applications to [...]


What is an Object Oriented Database?

3D Graphic

Working with complex information in large volumes requires more than just pen and paper. If you’re company handles information that measures well into the terabyte region, you may want to rely on a database management system that can go side-by-side with the demand of your business, both in reliability and in efficiency. If you want to have that and more, you may want to look more into the Object Database Management System. ODBMS Defined Object Database Management System is a kind of system that models [...]


History of Databases

History Book

Databases go in hand in hand with the internet, computer software, and computer systems. Since the birth of the World Wide Web, information has become as valuable as gold. All the data that you see in the internet needs to have a logical structure so it could be published and read online. When we think of databases, many of us with no technical know-how will think that they were a recent invention. Databases have existed for thousands of years. Before computers were widely used, data [...]


Database Optimization

Concentric Database

In the fast-paced world of the internet, you need to keep yourself updated, so it’s important to keep your database maintained to make sure that your system performs well. In the World Wide Web, there are about hundreds of competitors, so it’s important to keep your website in top shape. Apart from database management, web owners should also use database optimization to boost the performance of their systems. Database optimization is becoming more and more of a challenge nowadays, especially when systems software changes constantly. [...]


Database Performance

Database Performance

With the way information are created, transferred and consumed nowadays, it is not unimaginable the pains a company puts into their IT infrastructure. Every day you hear people investing in applications, software, physical servers and other IT-related stuff. And if you’re into HR or finance, you’ll know how much money goes out of the company in terms of consultancy services and payroll. Such steps, however, don’t make database performance management revolutionary because attempts to improve starts not with an initiative but with a distress call [...]


Database Consulting Services

Binary Code

Database and Database Management System is an integral part of any business, be it a small webstore or a big multi-national company. Without it, even the easiest tasks like keeping up with updating or monitoring transaction records would be difficult, so it is important that the businesses be conceptualized or old businesses seeking expansion to consider investing in database systems. But investing for database system and setting a certain amount to invest on it is the easy part. The next step is the most difficult. [...]


Importance of Database Backup

Database Backup

When you talk about databases, you usually conjure up this image in your head of thousands upon thousands of data that are neatly arranged in such a way that you can easily access them whenever the need arises. However, databases can also mean that you have a whole mixture of chaotic files all haphazardly placed together just so you can say that they are all in one place, never mind if you can’t access them most of the time or that they are not as [...]

